I had the great pleasure of having a transformational session with Martine Cohen and it was an extraordinary and powerful experience.  I came into the session with a specific issue that I’ve carried throughout my life, and Martine was masterful at guiding me through the thoughts, beliefs, and energies that were holding me back.  I felt an exquisite release, as though that blocks dissolved effortlessly.  I felt a release mentally, physically and emotionally.

Martine is clearly doing what she is on the planet to do as a powerful guide to help us remove the layers of limitation,  so that we can experience the real truth—the essence– of who we are.  I highly recommend and encourage you to experience the transformation for yourself.

— Marci Shimoff, #1 NY Times bestselling author, Happy for No Reason and Chicken Soup for the Woman\’s Soul, International Speaker

Martine Cohen

Speaker, Author & Coach

Guiding you and providing you with insight, life strategies, brain hacks, and tools to enhance your personal and professional life. 

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